Memory Page

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We are very grateful for your generouse spirit.Innocent
Thank you from the bottom of our little kitty hearts.

  © 2024 NTCR 


Animal Success Stories
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I got adopted! As you can see by my picture, I'm doing very well. My new owner gave me a life AND a new name--Gibby!

Tux aka Buddy

Buddy, formerly known as Tux, is happy as can be!! We love him so much and are so glad he chose us:-)


We received this really cute collage and update on Playboy (now Ranger) and Sassy (now Nala). Their new mom says: ..."Adopting them together was a wise choice for them, but oh my!, the trouble these two find to get into together! We expect many more years of entertainment."


A great update on recently adopted NTCR kitty, Cyd! "Thanks for checking in on Cyd and I. The picture is of him and my 2 year old cat laying by each other for the first time. I even looked over to find her grooming Cyd. He has been such a great addition to the family. Lola is a difficult cat, and I didn't expect it to go as well as it has. Cyd was meant to be part of our family. Thank you, and his foster family for caring for him so well before he was able to come to his forever home."


Received this beautiful picture of Liesl in her new home. Her new mom says: " Liesl is doing great, she really is such a lover. She is adjusting really well to her new home!! She is starting to explore the house and is getting along great with my other two cats! "

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