Meow is not an adoptable NTCR cat, but this little patch calico is one of our favorite cats. Her story is inspiring and we'd like to share it with other cat owners. Meow and her owner lived through a nightmare. With fire burning all around her Meow's owner got out of the house with only the clothes on her back and her two dogs, which she managed to free from their crates as she ran out the door of her burning home. Meow was doing what all cats do--hiding in the face of danger. Her owner was heat broken because there was no way to save Meow. Then Meow did what cats also do--she started her second life by coming out of hiding. The story below is told by Meow. She has graciously consented to our using her pictures and story so that people will know that cats are tough and with a little human intervention, they can handle adversity better than most of us. |
Is was just your normal cold night in December. We were all asleep safe and snug in our beds and dreaming about Christmas. In the middle of the night we woke to a house totally engulfed in flames. My mom jumped out of bed in her PJs and ran only stopping to unlatch the dog cages. She couldn't stop to find me, but I ran out behind her already burning. My ears felt like candles and my fur was melting into my skin. The pictures that follow will give you an idea of what I've been through and prove that cats really do have 9 lives. You can't keep a good cat down. Thanks Mom! I couldn't have done it without you. Love, Meow
 Thank you but I have heard enough crispy critter jokes to last me for another 8 lives. |
 Oh, man. This is going to be a really bad day. |
 Good news--my teeth don't hurt. Thank you human for helping me out here. |
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 I'm getting there. Thank you for the poster of the kitten hanging from a tree branch. I can't read the words but it's very inspiring. |
 I think I'm starting to feel like a cat again. This is sooo nice! |
 I'm still determined to enter the National Cat Show. I'm calling all cat groomers to see who does whisker extentions in Allen. |
Look at me now world!! Off to my next vet appointment and I'm looking good! If you ever see me at the Allen Pet Smart stop to say hello. You will recognize me on a leash with my mom, Mille. She works there and sometimes she takes me in to visit the ladies at the North Texas Cat Resue Center. They love me there. |